Monday, September 29, 2008


I am wishing to be in better health. This has gone on for too long now. It has affected my work, my home, and my school work. Hopefully, on Wednesday the doctor will make me feel better with medicine and treatment (shots). I had to be off anahistamines for a week so my head has been killing me.

What do I wish for on my project? I wish I had it done a week ago which is what it should have been. I also wish it didn't have so many points where I was stammering orwhere the microphone turned off and on. I wish the youtube video was clearer. Is there anything I could have done with that? I also wish I could have broken Randy Newman's song in half (first half at the beginning of the power point and 2nd half on the last slide.

As my boss says to his faculty, "Let's move forward and keep those buckets full."


Is there a way to attach my end project? I am really not happy with it, but it is done and complete. I do know that I hate to hear myself talking particularly when my sinuses are so poor. But, I want to turn this in so I can get caught up with my reading and my Trailblazer 4. I apologize Annette for having to listen to this, plus I don't really feel it is high quality.