Monday, September 1, 2008

Still Watching and Wondering

This blogging is very educational. I really enjoy learning on the computer new ways of using technology. Maybe this should be my focus for my project.

I have real trouble with Access, however we are using it at school to take attendance when a student comes into the media center. Robin Young sent me the software program that she uses at Avon. It has been real helpful especially since my principal is so data driven. The thing is, I always have to get my techie to help with it. So, we are working out the kinks to make it better for us. We use one laptop which is not hooked to the internet and another one that is. Given the set up at our school, I would like it to be set up a little differently and have both computers merged together for this program. I am not sure how we can do this but we are working on it. It seems that whenever something is transferred from one computer to the other to combine the information, it does not go together. It stays in separate databases. If I could just download from one and put it in the other, life would be a little simpler. Any suggestions? Someone familiar with Access?


Anonymous said...

Denise, I can't be helpful with your Access problem, but I do want to comment on your blog.
I like your quick and easy to read chunks of thinking. My blog entries are quite long. It makes me think brief may be the better means of communicating.
On another note, I lived in Franklin from the time I was 4 until the time I was 14 and attended school until I was a sophomore when my parents moved to Illinois.
Were you born in Franklin?
Ann Ellerbrook

pastmidnite said...

I would say you might want to look into importing more effectively. If it goes into separate databases you should be able to select import and pull the information from one into the other...eventually. I am not always happy with my access database at work and it is very convoluted and has been updated by too many different designers so there are some real integrity issues, but it does track our field placements for over 3000 students annually including their placement details, evaluations, etc... I finally was able to export the evaluation data last year and email it to the students in one fell swoop so as you keep at it with your techie you may find that it gets better over time...Tyna H

Mrs. Snyder said...

I tried importing and was unsuccessful. Instead of merging into Access. It shows each thing twice. Thanks for your suggestion though. We will keep trying and persevere!